首页> 中文期刊>电子设计工程 >一种面向即时通讯的图片管理方法及其在税务通讯软件上的实现




Combined with instant messaging features for image management requirements,in order to im-prove communication instant messaging software image loading speed and enhance the user experience, we developed a photo management system.The image management system is mainly the method: the XMPP protocol as the basis,to be transmitted to generate a thumbnail picture,and send pictures to be uploaded to the server with a thumbnail,the image acquired on the file server's URL,the message is gen-erated text messages sent to the message server,the receiver receives packets in the message,according to the URL to download pictures and thumbnails,complete cache,and the cache based on the results of image display. While social software get a series of verification on the Shanghai tax communication soft-ware proved practical management methods,reliability.%结合即时通讯对图片使用要求的特点,为了提高即时通讯软件通讯中图片的加载速度,提升用户体验,开发出了一种图片管理系统.该图片管理系统主要实现方法为:以XMPP协议为依托,发送客户端将待发送图片生成缩略图,将待发送图片及其缩略图一起上传到服务器,在获取到图片在文件服务器上的URL后,生成报文消息并发送给消息服务器,接收端在接受到报文消息后,根据URL下载图片及其缩略图,完成缓存,在图片显示时,根据是否具有缓存采取相应显示方法.本方法在上海税务通讯软件上进行了实现,证明了本图片管理方法的实用性和可行性.



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