首页> 中文期刊> 《电测与仪表》 >基于大数据的三相电能表错接线识别软件的设计实现




The metering accuracy of electric energy is very important,which directly affects the electricity settlement in power sectors and the vital interests of the majority of electricity customers.And meter wiring error is one of the main reasons causing great error ofelectric energy metering.The wiring connection method of the single-phase meter is relatively simple and it's very easy to find the problem of it.This paper mainly studies the methods to check the wrong wiring connection method of three-phase meter.Firstly,big data information of the three-phase meter is collected through the system.Then,the mathematical model is established and the relative algorithm is designed.Finally,the automatic intelligent analysis is conducted through the software program to identify all existing wiring error problems of three-phase meters.In this paper,the system architecture,algorithm flow design and implementation of important modules are described.And the software program is tested by the test data which covers all kinds of wrong wire connection methods and is obtained through the meter platform.At last,a case of Dalian City's test is used to verify the correctness and applicability of the model and algorithm.And it is expected to provide some help to the accuracy of electric energy measurement.%电能计量的准确性非常重要,直接影响电力部门用电结算和广大用电客户的切身利益,而计量表计接线错误造成很大误差是电能计量错误中的一个主要原因.由于单相电能表接线方式比较简单,出现问题也极易排查,文章主要研究了三相电能表错接线的排查方法.首先采集三相电能表的大数据信息,然后建立数学模型、设计相关算法,最终通过软件程序进行自动智能分析,识别出所有存在接线错误问题的表计.文中主要从系统的架构、算法流程设计以及重要模块的实现方面对软件系统的构建进行了论述.并通过电能表检定装置进行表计错接线后得到的覆盖所有错接线种类的测试数据,对软件程序进行了测试,最后通过大连市一个城区的实际案例,验证了相关模型和算法的正确性和适用性,以期为电能计量的准确性提供一定的参考依据.



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