首页> 中文期刊> 《电气自动化》 >电力通信网结构优化及拓扑生成算法




以安徽为例,现有电力通信网络存在地县网络分离、局部环节带宽资源薄弱、光纤资源分配不合理、自我保护机制不足等状况.网络拓扑的生成方式局限于在网管软件平台手动绘制的传统方式,效率较低,无法满足地县一体化与电网智能化发展的需要.针对该现状,提出适合电力通信网络结构优化及拓扑生成的算法,建立了一种图论数学模型,将实际网络的物理模型转化为计算模型,便于电力通信网络拓扑特征的发现,实现地县一体化网络多层拓扑的自动生成.应用实例分析表明,能够提高网络的抗单点失效性、业务承载力等,生成的拓扑图层级清晰、布局合理,为评估和提高网络的生存能力、改进拓扑生成方法提供了思路.%:Taking Anhui as an example,existing power telecommunication networks have such shortcomings as separation between prefecture and county networks,weak bandwidth resources in some links,unreasonable allocation of optical fiber resources and inadequate selfprotection mechanism.Network topology generation,now confined to traditional manual drawing of low efficiency on the platform of network management software,cannot meet the requirement on prefecture-county integration and development of smart grids.In view of current status,this paper proposes an algorithm suitable to structure optimization and topology generation of power telecommunication networks.The algorithm establishes a mathematical model of graph theory to transform the physical model of actual networks into a calculation model to help with discovery of topological characteristics of the power telecommunication network and realize automatic generation of multilayer topology of the integrated prefecture-county network.Analysis of application examples shows that this algorithm can raise network resistance to single point of failure and service-carrying capacity,and the generated topological graph has a clear hierarchy and reasonable layout,thus providing new ideas for the improvement of network survivability and topology generation method.



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