首页> 中文期刊> 《中国电力》 >SVC在普洱换流站无功配置中应用的可行性




直流换流站的无功分组容量受无功分组投切引起的电压波动限制较大,当换流站近区交流系统较弱时,无功分组投切将引起较大的电压波动,从而限制了无功分组容量.为节省占地和工程投资,结合糯扎渡电站送电广东特高压直流输电工程对SVC在送端换流站无功配置中的应用可行性进行了研究.通过对SVC在提高换流站无功分组容量、减少占地及投资、提高总体经济性等方面的综合技术经济比较,建议实际应用中应结合SVC设备的造价进行综合技术经济评估.以确定换流站内加装SVC装置的技术可行性和经济性.%The switching of shunt bank in HVDC converter station causes voltage fluctuation in the weak surrounding ac system, which limits the maximum size of installed capacity. In order to reduce the total area occupation and installation cost for shunt banks, application of Static Var Compensator (SVC) in the converter station is investigated based on the Nuozhadu-Guangdong ±800 kV UHVDC Transmission Project. Compared to regular capacitors, SVC has the advantages of bigger shunt bank size, smaller area occupation and less investment cost. However, SVC introduces complexity to the system control and operation. It is suggested that feasibility and economy for SVC application in HVDC converter station should be determined by comprehensive technical and economic analysis and evaluation in practical application.



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