首页> 中文期刊> 《中国电力》 >最优乘子法及其在交直流电网潮流计算中的应用




最优乘子法具有收敛可靠性高,能较好处理病态潮流,潮流无解时能给出最小二乘解等优点,在实际电力系统中得到广泛应用.在推导最优乘子法求解二次方程组的原理的基础上,基于直角坐标系建立了电压源换流器的稳态等效模型,从而将交直流电网潮流计算问题转换为二次方程组的数值求解问题,实现了潮流计算模型与计算方法的解耦,降低了潮流计算代码实现的复杂性.针对大规模交直流电网潮流计算收敛困难问题,提出了含多平衡机及多机联合调压的潮流计算统一迭代模型以改善大规模交直流电网潮流计算的收敛性.通过对含厦门柔性直流输电工程的福建电网某运行方式进行仿真计算,验证了所提模型的正确性及方法的有效性.%The optimal multiplier method has been widely applied to practical power system problems, due to its high convergence reliability, the superior performance in dealing with ill-conditioned power flow, and the ability to find the least square solution for infeasible power flow equations. In this paper, the steady-state equivalent model of voltage source converters (VSCs) in the rectangular coordinate system is established, transforming the power flow calculation problem of AC/DC power grids into cracking a set of quadratic equations, which decouples the model and solution methodology of power flow calculation, and reduces the complexity of the corresponding computer programs. To deal with non-convergence issue in large-scale AC/DC power flow calculation, a unified iteration model is proposed to improve the convergence performance considering multi-slack generators and multi-generator coordinated voltage regulation. Simulation results of Fujian power grid with the Xiamen VSC-HVDC project validate the effectiveness of the proposed models and methods.



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