首页> 中文期刊> 《电力自动化设备》 >含电动汽车换电站的微电网孤岛运行优化




The intermittence of renewable power supply , such as PV (PhotoVoltaic) and wind power, may result in power surplus or shortfall in islanded microgrid. The important components of microgrid, such as ESS(Energy Storage Station),BSS(Battery Swap Station).Uninterruptible Load),etc.,are analyzed and modeled, and with the constrains of power balance and reserve,the optimal operation model of microgrid with BSSs, ESSs or Ils is established. CPLEX is applied to solve this MILP(Mixed Integer Linear Programming) problem. Case study is carried out respectively for microgrid with BSS and that with ESS,which shows that,through coordinated optimization, the islanded microgrid with BSS as the energy storage device is cheaper and more reliable,and integrates more renewable energy sources.%由于风电、光伏等可再生能源具有间歇性,独立运行的微电网会经常出现功率缺额或过剩,给系统运行带来不利影响.对微电网内重要单元,如电池储能电站、电动汽车换电站、可中断负荷等分别进行了分析并建模,结合系统功率平衡、备用需求等约束,建立微电网独立运行优化模型,利用CPLEX软件求解该混合整数规划问题.算例中对以电动汽车换电站和电池储能电站作为储能单元的微电网分别进行讨论,结果表明,相比传统电池储能电站,电动汽车换电站作为储能装置,通过协调优化,可以提高微电网的可再生能源接纳能力,提高微电网可靠性,并更具经济性.



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