首页> 中文期刊>华东经济管理 >公共政策科学分类与解决社会问题的逻辑框架




The existing classification of public policy does not specify the path of solutions.The target of public policy is to solve the problem behind it and problems embedded in social problems,which can be divided into allocation problems and con⁃tractual problems.So problem-oriented public policy can be divided into two categories,one is a contract-based policies, problem-solving nature is to correct the breach of the contract,and to restore the state of mutual benefit.The other category is distribution-based policies,problem-solving nature is to transfer income through coercive means.During the transformation period in China,distribution-based policy is not the only path to solve distribution problems.It is the premise to correct the failure of contract due to limited freedom and lack of justice for the efficiency of distribution policy.%  公共政策现有分类没有指明政策解决方案的路径。公共政策的目标是其指向的问题,嵌入社会情境之中的问题可划分为分配问题与合约问题,问题指向的公共政策依此分为两类,一类是合约型政策,政策提出解决问题方案的性质是纠正被违背的合约,恢复合约的利人利己状态;一类是分配型政策,政策性提出解决问题方案的性质是强制性收入转移。转型期中国,分配型政策并非解决分配问题的唯一路径,纠正因自由受限和正义缺失而致的合约失败是分配型政策有效的前提。



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