首页> 中文期刊>数字图书馆论坛 >网络环境下我国科技资源信息开放共享评价对比分析




科学开展科技资源信息开放与共享评价,对于有效改善政府公共投入、提升科技资源建设与服务机构的运行与服务管理效率具有重要意义。文章基于“可见性-可得性-可用性”三维评价模型,选取了293个国家重点实验室网站、29个仪器共享平台、35个科技文献共享平台、84个科学数据共享平台,开展了不同类型、不同地区等层面的科技资源信息开放共享评价的对比分析,掌握我国目前网络环境下科技资源信息开放共享评价的总体状况,为科研活动中科技资源在时间、空间等方面的优化配置提供支撑。%It's of great significance that carrying out the evaluation of open and sharing of scientific and technical (S&T) resources to enhance the S&T resources construction and service efficiency of the S&T institutions, meanwhile to effectively improve the management level of government's public investment. Based on the"Visibility-Availability-Usability (VAU)"theory assessment model, the 293 national key laboratories, 29 scientific instruments sharing platforms, 35 S&T literature sharing platforms, 84 scientific data sharing platforms were selected as assessment objects. The assessment on the S&T resources of different types and different regions was carried out, and the comparative analysis of the evaluation results was done. The overal situation of S&T resources open and sharing in the network environment in China was clarified, which wil give supports for the enhancement of the S&T resources al ocation efficiency in time, space, and other aspects.



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