首页> 中文期刊>建筑材料科学(英文) >Suitable Site Selection and Location Allocation of Solid Waste Col­lection Bin by Using Geographic Information Systems:A Case of Nekemte Town

Suitable Site Selection and Location Allocation of Solid Waste Col­lection Bin by Using Geographic Information Systems:A Case of Nekemte Town



The problem of environmental pollution and health hazards due to inappropriate solid waste disposal is critical in developing countries like Ethiopia,Nekemte town is one of the town in Ethiopia facing from environmental pollution due to lack of appropriate dumping site which leads pollution of surface and ground water and environment in and around dumping area.The key objective of this study was the selection of appropriate sites for disposal,solid waste using Geographic Information System tools.Selection the most suitable landfill site was determined through the integration of geographic information system tools,multi-criteria decision investigation and remote sensing techniques.To select a suitable landfill site several parameters were considered for example slope,constructed area,road,water bodies,land uses,geology and soil.After analysis of the suitability of a solid waste-dumping site used GIS tools,weighted analyzed methods selected 36 areas for medium solid waste Bins.Suitability map was prepared by overlay analyzed with GIS based Weighted Linear Combination analysis to select the suitable sites and assigned as the value as unsuitable,less suitable,moderately suitable,suitable and highly suitable were determined.Using this method selected,highly suitable areas for land fill and inclination area.




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