首页> 外文期刊>交通科技期刊(英文) >Performance Evaluation of Motor Insurance Companies: Panel Data Evidence from Nigeria

Performance Evaluation of Motor Insurance Companies: Panel Data Evidence from Nigeria

机译:Performance Evaluation of Motor Insurance Companies: Panel Data Evidence from Nigeria

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This paper evaluated performance of motor insurance companies in Nigeria. The objectives were to determine the following: 1) significant effects of claims settlements on motor insurance firms’ earned premium;2) differences in managerial/technological capabilities among the companies and 3) effects of policy (or time effect) on insurance firms’ output within the study period. Panel data obtained for this study comprised operational data on premium earned and direct claims settlement by these companies over a period of six (6) years. Using panel data statistical models, we found that direct claims settlement negatively affected insurance companies’ earned premium. Also, style="font-family:Verdana;">significant differences in technological and managerial capabilities were style="font-family:Verdana;">found to exist among the companies, though only one company exhibited this heterogeneity. Besides, there were no policy impacts (or time effect) on vehicle insurance firms’ output in the study period. Policy implications of the results were discussed.




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