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Result-as-a-Service (RaaS): Persistent Helper Functions in a Serverless Offering

机译:结果 - AS-Service(RAAS):无服务器提供的持久辅助功能

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Serverless Computing or Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) is an execution model for cloud computing environments where the cloud provider executes a piece of code (a function) by dynamically allocating resources. When a function has not been executed for a long time or is being executed for the first time, a new container has to be created, and the execution environment has to be initialized resulting in a cold start. Cold start can result in a higher latency. We propose a new computing and execution model for cloud environments called Result-as-a-Service (RaaS), which aims to reduce the computational cost and overhead while achieving high availability. In between successive calls to a function, a persistent function can help in successive calls by precomputing the functions for different possible arguments and then distributing the results when a matching function call is found.
机译:无服务器计算或功能 - AS-AS-Service(FAAS)是云计算环境的执行模型,其中云提供商通过动态分配资源来执行一段代码(函数)。当函数尚未长时间执行或者首次执行时,必须创建一个新的容器,并且必须初始化执行环境导致冷启动。冷启动可能导致更高的延迟。我们为云环境提出了一种新的计算和执行模型,称为结果 - AS-Service(RAAS),该计算旨在降低计算成本和开销,同时实现高可用性。在函数连续调用之间,持久函数可以通过预先计算不同可能参数的函数来帮助连续调用,然后在找到匹配函数调用时分发结果。




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