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Arabic Speech Recognition System Based on MFCC and HMMs


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Speech recognition allows the machine to turn the speech signal into text through identification and understanding process. Extract the features, predict the maximum likelihood, and generate the models of the input speech signal are considered the most important steps to configure the Automatic Speech Recognition System (ASR). In this paper, an automatic Arabic speech recognition system was established using MATLAB and 24 Arabic words Consonant-Vowel Consonant-Vowel Consonant-Vowel (CVCVCV) was recorded from 19 Arabic native speakers, each speaker uttering the same word 3 times (total 1368 words). In order to test the system, 39-features were extracted by partitioning the speech signal into frames ~ 0.25 sec shifted by 0.10 sec. in back-end, the statistical models were generated by separated the features into number of states between 4 to 10, each state has 8-gaussian distributions. The data has 48 k sample rate and 32-bit depth and saved separately in a wave file format. The system was trained in phonetically rich and balanced Arabic speech words list (10 speakers * 3 times * 24 words, total 720 words) and tested using another word list (24 words * 9 speakers * 3 times *, total 648 words). Using different speakers similar words, the system obtained a very good word recognition accuracy results of 92.92% and a Word Error Rate (WER) of 7.08%.
机译:语音识别允许机器通过识别和理解过程将语音信号转换为文本。提取特征,预测最大可能性,并生成输入语音信号的模型被认为是配置自动语音识别系统(ASR)的最重要步骤。在本文中,使用Matlab建立了一种自动阿拉伯语语音识别系统,24个阿拉伯语辅音 - 元音辅音 - 元音元音(CVCVCV)从19名阿拉伯语母语者中记录,每个发言者发出相同的单词3次(总计1368个字)。为了测试系统,通过将语音信号划分为框架〜0.25秒偏移0.10秒来提取39个特征。在后端,通过将特征分成4到10之间的状态来产生统计模型,每个状态具有8-高斯分布。数据具有48 k采样率和32位深度,并以波文件格式单独保存。该系统在语音富裕和平衡的阿拉伯语言语单词列表中培训(10个扬声器* 3次* 24字,总共720个单词)并使用其他单词列表测试(24字* 9扬声器* 3次*,共648个字)。使用不同的扬声器类似的单词,系统获得了一个非常好的词识别精度,结果为92.92%,单词错误率(WER)为7.08%。




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