首页> 外文期刊>美国植物学期刊(英文) >Potential of Indigenous Pesticidal Plants in the Control of Field and Post-Harvest Arthropod Pests in Bambara Groundnuts (Vigna subterranea(L.) Verdc.) in Africa: A Review

Potential of Indigenous Pesticidal Plants in the Control of Field and Post-Harvest Arthropod Pests in Bambara Groundnuts (Vigna subterranea(L.) Verdc.) in Africa: A Review

机译:非洲班巴拉花生(Vigna subterranea(L。)Verdc。)在控制田间和收获后节肢动物害虫方面的土著农药植物潜力:综述

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Bambara groundnuts (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is an important leguminous crop native in Africa and is mainly cultivated for its highly nutritious grains. However, bambara groundnuts production is constrained by many insect pests including aphids (Aphids sp.), leaf hopers (Hilda patruelis), foliage beetles (Ootheca mutabilis), pod sucking bugs (Clavigralla tomentosicollis), red spider mites (Tetrunychus sp.), groundnut jassids in the field and bruchids (Callosobruchus maculatus, and Callosobruchus subinnotatus) in the storage. Smallholder farmers usually apply synthetic pesticides to control those insect pests. However, synthetic pesticides are potentially harmful to the environment, non-targeted animals and human’s health. Pesticidal plants such as B. pilosa, L. camara, T. vogelii, V. amygdalina, L. javanica, T. diversifolia, and C. dichogamus which are available in most parts of Africa where the crop is cultivated, possess bioactive chemicals which have insecticidal properties and have been revealed to be potential in the control of field and storage insect pests. Therefore, they can be used as an alternative to synthetic pesticides. Bambara groundnuts being one of the neglected crops, the insects affecting the crop have not been well explored in terms of their abundance and damage they cause to the crop in the field and on storage. Thus, in this review, the common arthropod pests of the bambara groundnuts and the potential of the bioactive compounds from the common plants with pesticidal properties have been described. It is recommended that the potential of these pesticidal plants to be investigated on bambara groundnut pests control on the field and on storage to optimize their use by smallholder farmers in insect control to reduce dependence on synthetic pesticides.
机译:Bambara Gressnuts(Vigna Subterranea(L.)Verdc。)是非洲本土的重要豆科作物,主要为其高度营养的谷物培养。然而,Bambara Groudenuts生产受到包括蚜虫(蚜虫SP)的许多昆虫害虫的限制在存储的领域和Bruchids(Callosobruchus maculatus和Callosobruchus subinnotatus)中的地生jassids。小农农民通常应用合成杀虫剂来控制这些害虫。然而,合成杀虫剂可能对环境,非目标动物和人类健康有害。杀虫植物如B.Pilosa,L. Camara,T.Vogelii,V.Amygdalina,L.Javanica,T. Diversifolia和C. Dichogamus,在非洲的大多数作物培养的地方,拥有生物活性化学品具有杀虫特性,并且已被揭示在田间和储存害虫控制中是潜力。因此,它们可以用作合成杀虫剂的替代品。 Bambara Groudenuts是被忽视的作物之一,影响作物的昆虫在其丰富和损害方面尚未得到很好的探索,它们导致现场和储存的作物。因此,在本综述中,已经描述了Bambara基因的常见节肢动物和来自普通植物的生物活性化合物的潜在具有杀虫特性。建议在对现场的Bambara Groudenut Pests控制和储存中进行这些杀虫植物的潜力,以优化他们在昆虫控制中的小农农民的使用,以减少对合成农药的依赖。




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