首页> 中文期刊> 《人工智能杂志(英文)》 >Ensemble Classifier-Based Features Ranking on Employee Attrition

Ensemble Classifier-Based Features Ranking on Employee Attrition



The departure of good employee incurs direct and indirect cost and impacts for an organization.The direct cost arises from hiring to training of the relevant employee.The replacement time and lost productivity affect the running of business processes.This work presents the use of ensemble classifier to identify important attributes that affects attrition significantly.The data consists of attributes related to job function,education level,satisfaction towards work and working relationship,compensation,and frequency of business travel.Both bagging and boosting classifiers were used for testing.The results show that the selected features(nine selected features)achieve the same result as the full features.The selected features are age,income,working years,source of employment,years since last promotion,salary hike,and business travelling frequency.These features were selected using ensemble classifiers.Satisfaction on work and relationship do not appear to be significant attributes in attrition from ensemble classifier’s results.



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