首页> 中文期刊> 《外文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 >Analysis on the Influence of Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax on Highway Engineering Cost

Analysis on the Influence of Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax on Highway Engineering Cost


With the continuous development of China's economy, China's tax system is also undergoing continuous reform and innovation. In order to further improve the rationality of the tax system and effectively reduce the pressure on Chinese enterprises, China implemented the "replace business tax with value-added tax" tax system nationwide in May 2016. After the implementation of the "replace business tax with value-added tax" system, it has brought great impact on the cost of highway projects in China, both positive and negative. Such as reducing the repetitive tax payment and improving the tax burden structure, but at the same time, it is difficult to deduct the value-added tax and to calculate the value-added tax. In recent years, the "replace business tax with value-added tax" is a significant change, which has attracted wide attention. It has become a new system of tax collection and has achieved better tax profits. This paper analyzes the impact of the tax system of "replacing business tax with value-added tax" on the construction cost of highway projects, expounds the concept of "replace business tax with value-added tax" in detail, and analyzes in detail the change of tax method after the reform and its impact on the construction cost of highway projects. At the initial stage of the tax system reform, the construction cost of construction enterprises has also changed accordingly, and puts forward some suggestions for reference. Based on this, this paper will take the actual situation in Tibet as the basis, analyze the impact of the replacement business tax with value-added tax system on highway engineering cost and study the reasons, and then put forward corresponding suggestions based on specific issues for reference.



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