首页> 中文期刊> 《作物研究》 >硫对水稻镉吸收的影响机理




随着工农业生产的高速发展和环境污染问题的凸显,耕地土壤环境质量和农产品安全质量已成为人们关注的焦点。南方稻作区农田土壤镉污染导致稻米镉超标的问题,严重影响了该区域水稻产业的发展,对人们的身体健康亦造成一定的威胁。研究和调控水稻镉(Cd)的吸收过程,探究控制和减少水稻镉吸收和转运的技术与方法,对保证我国粮食安全具有十分重要的意义。通过总结国内外有关文献,系统阐述了硫对水稻镉吸收的影响及其机理,并展望未来主要的研究方向。%With the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production and the emergence of environmental pollu-tion problems,soil environmental quality and safety quality of agricultural products become the attention focus.The cadmi-um pollution in the rice fields of southern China led to the problem of excessive cadmium in rice,which seriously affected the development of rice industry in the region and posed a threat to people’s health.Therefore,in order to ensure the grain security of our country,it is very important to study and control the uptake process of cadmium (Cd)of rice,and explore the technology and means to control and reduce the uptake and transport of cadmium in rice.The relevant literatures at home and abroad were summarized,and the future research direction was looked forwarded.



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