首页> 中文期刊>当代化工 >油品量值作弊与对策




In the petrochemical industry, the flow meter is usually used to measure the oil quantity, the measurement is divided into volume method and quality standard. The change of temperature can affect the oil volume and density, but quality is not affected by the oil temperature, density and volume. Because the mass flowmeter can directly measure the fluid parameters such as the quality, density, temperature, and its measurement accuracy is less affect by the parameters such as pressure, density, temperature, so the mass flowmeter has been widely applied in various industries. The mass flowmeter is intelligent online debugging instrument, it has many characteristics, such as compatibility, openness, which can create the conditions for some criminals and illegal businesses. In this paper, based on many years of work experiences, from two aspects of flowmeter configuration and external protection, the possibility of cheating was analyzed, and countermeasures were put forward.%在石油化工行业中,通常使用流量计来测量油品的量值,测量分为体积法与质量法两种方式。温度的变化对油品体积、密度的变化影响较大,而质量不受油品的温度、密度及体积的变化影响。质量流量计因为能够直接测量流体的质量、密度、温度等参数,且受压力、密度、温度等参数的变化影响较小,在各个行业贸易交接领域的应用越来越广泛。质量流量计属于智能型在线可调试仪表,它具有兼容性、开放性等特点,这为一些不法分子及商家非法牟利创造了条件。通过笔者多年以来的工作经验,从流量计组态及外界防护两个方面分析了作弊的可能性及对策,有效的杜绝了贸易纠纷的发生及企业效益的损失。



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