首页> 中文期刊> 《矿产保护与利用》 >完善我国地热能资源开发利用工作的建议




我国地热能资源开发利用早,潜力巨大,主要用于供暖、发电、医疗保健、温泉洗浴、水产养殖、温室种植等方面。但是目前还存在勘查程度低、高温地热发电近二十年来发展缓慢、开发利用缺乏统筹管理机制和统一科学的规划体系、开发利用技术支撑体系不完善、开发监测体系建设滞后等诸多问题。从完善开发利用方向及布局、开发利用示范工作、勘查开发科学技术研究工作、开发利用监测工作、资源保护工作、支持政策和激励机制建设等方面提出了完善我国地热能资源开发利用工作的一系列建议。%In china ,the development and utilization of the geothermal resources are early and promising.This resource is mainly used in heating ,electricity generation , health care, SPA bath, aquaculture and greenhouse planting .There are still some problems existing at the same time .For example , low level exploration and slow development of high temperature geothermal power , lack of integrated management mechanisms and scientific planning system , imperfect technical support sys-tem and monitoring system lag were also problems in the development and utilization work .In this paper some proposals were put forward on following aspects:improving the direction and layout ex-ploitation , development and utilization demonstrations , exploration and development of scientific and technological research , development and utilization monitoring , resource protection , support policies and incentives construction , etc.



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