首页> 中文期刊> 《混凝土》 >多步搅拌工艺对高性能混凝土抗碳化性的影响




Concrete multi-step mixing technology means the construction technology of multi-step batch charging and multi-step stir-ring.The test about strength and anti-permeability in the same material and the same proportioning using different multi-step stirring tech-nology can draw all multi-step mixings can improve effectively the strength and anti-permeability of the concrete and cement wrapped sand method improve the concrete performance best.The test about strength and anti-permeability reducing the dosage of cement by 5%,10%, 15%of the proportion of new concrete,it is concluded that strength and anti-permeability are correspond reducing the cement dosage 10%to one-mixing using the original proportioning.So cement wrapped sand method can save 10%in guaranteed strength and anti-permeabili-ty,it has high economic benefit.%多步搅拌混凝土工艺指多次投料多次搅拌的施工工艺。在相同材料、相同配合比情况下采用不同的多步搅拌工艺进行强度试验和抗碳化性试验,得出多步搅拌均能有效提高混凝土的强度和抗碳化性能,且水泥裹砂石法改善混凝土性能最好。在减少水泥用量5%、10%、15%的新混凝土配合比情况下,进行混凝土强度和抗碳化性试验,得出减少水泥用量10%时混凝土强度和抗碳化性与原配合比一次搅拌混凝土相当。所以水泥裹砂石法搅拌工艺在保证强度和抗碳化性的情况下可以节省水泥10%,具有较高的经济效益。



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