首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机技术与发展》 >分布式系统测试方法的研究和应用




分布式系统很多端口分布在小不同的物理位置,所以当对此系统测试时,每一个端口都要一个测试者,每个测试者只能观察到自己的端口的事件,这样在测试者之间就会产生控制性问题.文中给出了基于NP-FSM(多端口有限状态机)的分布式系统模型,并往此基础上给出了分布式系统功能测试中所产生的控制性问题以及观察性问题的解决方法--协同测试方法.该办法是在分布式测试架构的基础上,让局部测试者通过可信赖的独立于IUT的通信媒介,交换协同消息来解决控制性以及观察性问题,并且在前人的研究基础之上,改进了该问题的解决方法,减少了增加的消息个数,并给出了相应的算法.%When testing a system that has multiple physically distributed ports, it is normal to place a tester at each port.Each tester observes only the events at its port and it is known that this can lead to additional controllability problems.In this paper, distributed system model based on NP-FSM( Multi-port FSMs) is given ,then the resolving method for coordination problems generated in functional testing of distributed systems is also given-coordination method.In a word , the method permits the local testers to exchange the messages about controllability and observability by the communication medium independent of the IUT.The solution of controllability and observability problems is improved, the numbers of coordination messages are decreased, and the corresponding algorithm is also showed.



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