首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机技术与发展》 >基于蚁群的Ad Hoc网络多路径路由的改进

基于蚁群的Ad Hoc网络多路径路由的改进



In large-scale Ad Hoc network,the bandwidth is limited,and the movement of nodes can cause link interrupted frequently which may lead to transport delay. Focusing on these problems,a new multipath routing algorithm of ant colony joined prediction of failed link is presented which called LA-ACO ( Location Aided ACO) . Through distributed computing of the ant colony algorithm to find mul-tiple routing,use multipath routing to load balance for data packets,at the same time,predict the link which will be failed,by the positive feedback mechanism of the ant colony repair the link quickly and actively. The simulation results show this algorithm has good optimiza-tion ability,and is adapted to the change characteristics of Ad Hoc network topology.%在大规模的Ad Hoc网络中,带宽有限,并且节点移动会引起链路频繁中断,从而导致传输时延较大。针对这些缺点,文中提出了加入了链路失效预测的蚁群多路径路由算法LA-ACO ( Location Aided ACO)。通过蚁群算法的分布式计算来寻找多条路由,并利用多路径路由来进行数据包的负载平衡,同时进行链路失效的预测,利用蚁群的正反馈机制完成快速主动路由修复。在仿真得到的结果中可以发现,该算法有较好的寻优能力,并且适应于Ad Hoc网络的拓扑多变化的特性。



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