首页> 中文期刊>计算机科学 >一个面向智能电话的移动可信平台设计




由于手机病毒或设备失窃,导致手机上的私密数据面临泄漏的危险.为了满足移动平台的安全需求,TCG 的MPWG提出移动可信平台规范.然而MPWG并没有明确规定特定的技术方法来实现移动可信模块(MTM),现有研究中没有整体的可实际部署于智能手机环境的MTM平台框架性设计,对可信软件栈(TSS)也没有可以实施的详细的部署方案.设计了一个面向智能手机的移动可信平台服务模型,它将基于TrustZone的纯软件MTM实现与基于Java Card的智能卡MTM实现结合起来构建两个可信引擎.提出其中可信构建块的部署流程并对其安全性进行了分析.%As virus or equipment lost,secret data on mobile phone is facing the danger of leakage. To meet the security needs of mobile platforms, TCG's MFWG has proposed the Mobile Trusted Platform specification,which does not specify a particular technical approach to design a Mobile Trusted Module(MTM). Existing research does not provide an o-verall framework of the MTM, which can actually be used in the smart phone environment, and nor a detailed deployment process of the Trusted Software Stack (TSS) of the framework. A model design on mobile trusted platform for smart phone was proposed in this paper, which combines the pure software MTM based on TrustZone technology with smart card MTM based on Java Card to build two trusted engines. The deployment scheme of trusted computing bases and security analysis of this model were put forward as well.



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