首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >基于虚拟仪器技术的CPS性能测试系统研制




CPS即"控制与保护开美电器"性能测试是产品研制、调试、生产的关键环节.为了满足CPS性能测试需求,研究了一套由工控机、三相大电流发生器、多功能数据采集卡、气动夹具等硬件,结合在Lab VIEW虚拟仪器平台上开发的软件组成的全自动CPS性能测试系统.从系统硬件,软件方面具体说明了测试系统功能和实现方式.测试系统能对不同型号的CPS的全部功能,包括测量功能、通信功能和多种保护功能等进行自动测试,经实际应用表明:该系统具有测试精度高,开发成本低、抗干扰能力强和维护简单等优点.%The performance test of CPS (Control and Protective Switching) is the key of research, debugging and production. In order to satisfy the needs of performance test for CPS, a design of automatic performance test system for CPS consisting of industrial control computer, three-phase current generator, multifunction data acquisition card, pneumatic fixture and software developed by LabVIEW virtual instrument technology is studied. The realization and function of the test system are introduced in detail from the hardware and software.The designed system is able to automatically test all functions of different types of CPS, including measurement function, communication function, multiple protection function, and so on. Practical application showed that the system has the following properties: high precision,low cost, strong anti-interference and convenient maintenance.



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