首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机测量与控制》 >基于事务存储技术的地震前兆设备模拟系统




Concurrent programming technology can effectively enhance the computing ability in multi-core environment and improve the performance of programs.The traditional concurrent programming based on lock or semaphore suffers from a number of severe shortcom-ings,such as dead lock,priority reverse.Transaction memory is novel way that can make parallel programming simpler facing shared memo-ry environment.Although researchers have proposed many solutions to implement transaction memory,but the actual application cases using transaction memory were less.In this paper,we applied transaction memory to the earthquake precursory observation equipment simulation system and described its parallel implementation based on DSTM2and DeuceSTM.Experiment results show that transaction memory parallel programming has the characteristics of easy to use and its performance is between the coarse-grained locking and fine-grained locking scheme.%并行程序设计技术可有效发挥多核处理器的计算能力,提高程序的并发性能;传统的基于锁、信号量等同步机制的并行程序设计容易出现死锁、优先级导致等错误;事务存储技术是一种新型的并行编程模式,可有效地降低面向共享内存模型下并行程序开发的难度;虽然研究人员提出了众多事务存储实现技术,但实际应用案例较少;文章将事务存储技术应用至地震前兆设备模拟系统中,并详细介绍了基于 DSTM2和 DeuceSTM 的并行方案实现技术,通过大量的实验对比了不同并行方案的性能并详细剖析了其原因;实验结果显示,虽然基于事务存储技术的地震前兆设备模拟系统性能和粗粒度锁的并行方案相当,略低于细粒度锁的并行方案,但是基于事务存储技术的并行程序设计方法具有简单、易用的优点,还是可以考虑应用在某些具体应用中。



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