首页> 中文期刊>计算机工程 >盲人浏览器的设计与实现




以中文为主要语言的万维网网络资源日益丰富,然而视障者由于视觉上的不便在使用这些资源时存在诸多困难,如无法直接"浏览"网页内容,无法使用鼠标点击超链接,等等.盲人浏览器就是为了帮助视障者更好地使用这些资源而设计实现的。盲人浏览器有以下特点:通过语音合成技术,将网页中所有的文本内容朗读出来;用健盘"点击"超链接实现网页跳转;针对中文用户特点设计了多种功能。盲人浏览器经过多方测试和不断完善,现在已有成熟产品.%Access to the Internet is becoming widespread, and the content of the Chinese WWW is inflating these years. The widespread use of graphical user interfaces provides us an easy way to access the value information from the Internet, however, bars the visually handicapped people away. In this paper, Internet browser for blindman (IBB) is presented to solve the difficulties faced with visually handicapped people.The IBB is accomplished with the following features: 1) All text in the homepage can be spoken out through the speeeh synthetic teehnology. 2)Hyper-links can be distinguished by a special audio signal, and'clicked' through a keyboard. 3) Different reading modes have been provided to facilitate people in browsing environment. Several units have evaluated the Internet browser for blindman, and after improving, the system has been a practical product.



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