首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程》 >C to Java自动转换系统中C指针的实现

C to Java自动转换系统中C指针的实现



C指针的处理是C to Java代码自动转换系统中一个重要而困难的问题.已有的方法大多不能处理含有技巧的指针代码,转换生成的代码难以理解,往往无法正确执行.基于此,提出一种可用Java实现C指针所有功能的方案,该方案在类型转换后不改变原程序结构,并保持尽可能高的运行效率.示例分析表明,运用该方法可使各种类型的C指针运用都能自动转换为执行正确、结构清晰、修改方便、运行快捷的Java代码.%How to deal with C pointers is an important and difficult issue in C to Java automatic program transformation System. The existing methods are powerless for ingenious C codes. It is difficult to understand codes generated by some transformation system. These codes are not always correct. This paper presents a set of methods. They implements all the functions of C pointer by Java. This transformation keeps original program structure, and runs as fast as possible. Using it can automatically convert various C pointer applications into correct, clear, changeable and efficient Java code.



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