首页> 中文期刊>软件 >基于Agent技术的物流管理信息系统设计研究




along with the rapid development of the worldeconomy, the economic integration degree is more and more high, logistics has become many enterprises to gain market share, enhance competitiveness, the logisticswork construction has been attached importance by more and more enterprises. But in reality, many enterprises of the logistics management system, especially the problemof logistics management information system,communication ability is poor, the overall environmentmore closed, only a few enterprises need information,simply can not meet the demand of various kinds of information enterprises, seriously affected the daily work of enterprises efficiency, hinder the development of enterprises. Agent technology is a kind of interactive communication ability strong, can help the enterprise to obtain more information needed. Therefore, manyenterprises try to set up their own, logistics management information system based on Agent technology. In this paper, we ifrst brielfy analyzes the main problems of logistics information system currently used by enterprise,and then to the implication of Agent technology are introduced, and then the design structure of logisticsmanagement information system based on Agent technology, and the speciifc work on multiple Agentsystems can introduce.%随着全世界经济的快速发展,经济一体化程度也越来越高,物流成为众多企业争取市场份额,加强竞争力的手段,自身的物流工作建设也被越来越多的企业重视起来。但从现实情况来看,目前许多企业的物流管理系统,尤其是物流管理信息系统方面存在较大的问题,交流互动能力较差,整体环境较为封闭,只能获得极少量的企业需要的信息,根本不能满足企业对各种信息的需求,严重影响了企业的日常工作效率,阻碍了企业的发展。Agent技术是一种交流互动能力较强的技术,可以有效的帮助企业获得更多所需要的信息。所以,不少企业开始尝试建立自身的,基于Agent技术的物流管理信息系统。本文,我们先简单分析了目前企业所使用的物流信息系统存在的主要问题,然后对Agent技术的含义进行介绍,然后研究设计出基于Agent技术的物流管理信息系统结构,并对系统中多个Agent的具体功能进行介绍。



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