首页> 中文期刊>计算机工程与科学 >CC-NUMA架构下4路龙芯3B服务器设计与实现




Focusing on high-performance computing, high-bandwidth communications, and autonomous and controllable requirements of servers in specific areas, we analyze the characteristics of Loongson-3B3000 processor architecture, and design a 4-way Loongson-3B3000 high-performance server core module based on CC-NUMA parallel processing architecture.Thanks to the TOE chip, the network response efficiency is improved, and the consumption of processor resources of the 10G Ethernet interface is greatly reduced, so the overall performance of the server is effectively improved.Testing and verification show that the proposed server can achieve high-performance parallel computing capability and 10G Ethernet communication capability, and domestic components can reach more than 95%.%针对特定领域中服务器的高性能计算、高带宽通信以及自主可控需求, 在分析龙芯3B3000处理器架构特点的基础上, 设计了基于CC-NUMA并行处理架构的4路龙芯3B3000高性能服务器核心模块, 通过使用TOE芯片提高了网络响应效率, 同时大幅降低了10G以太网接口对处理器资源的占用消耗, 有效提高了服务器的综合性能.通过测试验证, 该服务器能够实现高效的并行计算能力和10G以太网通信能力, 且国产元器件种类占比和数量占比均可达95%以上.



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