首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程与设计》 >VB调用Matlab在瞬变电磁法反演中的应用




A way of cailing Matlab by VB is applied to inversion for transient electromagnetic method, and the programming process of calling Matlab by VB is introduced in detail. The main interface of the inversion system for transient electromagnetic method is compiled in terms of VB, and Matlab neutral network toolbox is made use of finishing the inversion and explain for detecting results of transient electromagnetic method. VB and Matlab is used to learn from others strong points and offset its weakness. This system is expediently used by users for its favorable interactive interface. An engineering example validation shows calling Matlab by VB to exploit inversion system for transient electromagnetic method is feasible and the inversion results meet the demand of advanced detection in practical engineering. Inversion results is used to guide the construction.%将VB调用Matlab方法应用到瞬变电磁反演中,介绍了利用ActiveX技术实现VB调用Matlab的详细编程步骤,以VB编写瞬变电磁法反演系统主界面,利用Matlab神经网络工具箱完成对瞬变电磁法探测结果的反演判释,两者相互取长补短,该系统具有良好人机交互界面,方便用户使用.实例验证结果表明,利用VB调用Matlab方法开发瞬变电磁法反演系统,其反演结果可信,且能够满足实际工程中超前探测的要求,反演结果能够用于指导工程施工.



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