首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机光盘软件与应用》 >基于B/S架构的农行司法查询系统的设计与实现




In recent years,increasing judicial cases involving bank customers.In order to better work with the judiciary to crack cases,convenient,fast and efficiently provide the data bank judicial inquiry have emerged.With the development of increasingly high requirements on the system distributed.Therefore,the judicial system software architecture,the B/S application architecture.B/S architecture is an improvement of the C/S structure,unified client focus on the core part of the system function to the server,which simplifies the system development,deployment,maintenance and use of the client by browsing we can complete the processing tasks.Based on B/S architecture,combined with the core idea of the J2EE design patterns,from the start of system architecture,the elaborate system design and implementation.%近年来,涉及银行客户的司法案件与日俱增。为了更好的配合司法机关侦破案件,方便、快捷、高效地提供相关的数据资料,银行司法查询系统应运而生:随着网络的发展,用户对系统分布式的要求也越来越高。因此,司法查询系统在软件架构上采用B/S应用架构。B/S架构是对C/S架构的一种改进,它统一了客户端,将系统功能实现的核心部分集中到服务器上,从而简化了系统的开发、部署、维护和使用,客户端通过浏览器便可以完成处理任务。本文基于B/S架构,结合J2EE设计模式的核心思想,从系统架构入手,详细阐述系统的设计与实现。



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