首页> 中文期刊>计算机应用与软件 >基于JZ875的低能耗无线VPN设计




To improve data transmission efficiency among data transmission modules, on the basis of taking JZ875 digital transmission radio station as the communication module, there is an organic integration of three steps described as follows. The data for transmission is compressed by Hoffmann compression algorithm; channel package head is added to the base station by querying the Hash table to establish a private channel; the data for transmission is encrypted by DES encryption algorithm. Then the high efficient virtual private network between the base station of a large field moisture sensor network and the remote computer end is constructed. Experimental result shows that when inside the normal communication range the base station end data transmission volume can be reduced by about 20% while the precision rate of data received at the remote computer end can reach around 96%.%提高数据在数传模块之间传输的效率,在以JZ875数传电台为通信模块的基础上,通过霍夫曼压缩对发送数据进行数据压缩、查询Hash表对基站数据添加信道包头以建立专用信道、DES加密算法对发送数据进行加密三个步骤的有机结合,建立了大田水分传感器网络中基站端与远程计算机端之间的高效率虚拟专用网.实验结果显示,在数传模块的正常通讯范围内,基站端数据发送量可以减少20%左右,远程计算机端接收到的数据正确率可达96%左右.



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