首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机应用与软件》 >对地观测卫星数传预报仿真技术研究




Earth observation satellite transmits data on the premise that the satellite should be located inside the receiving circle of the ground receiving station.The research on earth observation satellite data transmission forecast simulation technology can not only make an ear-ly warning for a satellite that is about to pass the receiving station,but also truly display the scene when the satellite is passing the receiving station.Therefore it is of practical and engineering research value.The article carries out researches mainly on the satellite orbit forecast mod-el,the geometry relationship between the satellite and the ground station,and the calculation approach for the ground receiving circle.Be-sides it introduces a data transmission simulation method based on WorldWind.The final simulated calculation results demonstrate that the calculation is precise and reliable and the dynamic link truly simulates the scene when a satellite is passing a receiving station.%对地观测卫星进行数据传输的前提是卫星要进入地面接收站的接收范围。对对地观测卫星数传预报仿真技术进行研究,不仅可以对即将过境接收站的卫星作出预警,而且能更真实地展示卫星过接收站的情景,具有实际和工程研究价值。主要从卫星轨道预报模型和卫星地面站间几何关系及地面接收圈计算方法几个方面开展研究,并介绍了基于 WorldWind 进行数传仿真的方法。最后的仿真计算结果证明计算精度可靠,动态仿真链路真实模拟出卫星过接收站的场景。



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