首页> 中文期刊> 《理论物理通讯:英文版》 >Tripartition of Arbitrary Single-Qubit Information via a Class of Asymmetric Four-Qubit W State

Tripartition of Arbitrary Single-Qubit Information via a Class of Asymmetric Four-Qubit W State



A four-party scheme is put forward for a sender to partition arbitrary single-qubit information amongthree receivers by utilizing a class of asymmetric four-qubit W state as quantum channels.In the scheme the sender'squantum information can be recovered by the three receivers if and only if they collaborate together.Specifically,theycollaborate to perform first two different 2-qubit collective unitary operations and then a singie-qubit unitary operation.The scheme is symmetric and(3,3)-threshold with regard to the reconstruction,for any receiver can be assigned toconclusively recover the quantum information with the other two's assistances.




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