首页> 中文期刊> 《海岸工程》 >风暴潮对广东省沿海港航设施影响及防护对策研究




The effect of storm surge on port facilities and its characteristics are primarily studied based on field investigations and historical records in the Guangdong coastal area, and the some corresponding protection strategies have been suggested. The main characteristics of the damages caused by storm surge include the most serious damage of breakwaters, the frequent occurrence of damage during the construction period, the retaining embankment damage now and then, the seldom damage of structures of the large wharfs and the often damage of structures of the small to middle wharfs, especially the fishing ports. The main reasons for these damages are the lack of wave data, the low of designed wave height and the small of armor block. The protection strategies have been proposed in the aspects of techniques, engineering and management. In the aspect of techniques, strengthening the wave observations and researches and improving the calculation method for designing the wave height are suggested. For engineering, it is suggested to improve the wave height design and armor block standards and the plan configuration, to shorten the construction period with no protection, to construct safe islands and risk avoidance regions, to enhance the investigation, check and analysis of the existing port facilities and to take the pertinent reinforcements. For the management, to establish an early warning and forecasting system for storm surge, to set up an emergency plan and to enhance the maintenance of port facilities are recommended.%通过实地调研,结合历史记录资料,初步研究了风暴潮对广东省沿海港航设施的影响状况和特点,提出了相应的防护措施。研究发现,广东省沿海港口设施受风暴潮影响的主要特点为防波堤受损最为严重,施工期受风暴潮影响损坏普遍存在,码头护岸受损较普遍,大型码头结构受损较少,中、小型码头结构特别是渔港结构受损较多。损坏成因主要包括波浪基础资料不足、设计波浪偏低、护面块体偏小等。从技术、工程和管理三个方面提出了防护措施。技术措施主要为加强波浪观测和科学研究;改进设计波浪推算方法。工程措施包括适当提高设计波浪标准;适当提高护面块体标准;优化平面布置,缩短无防护施工期;设立安全岛和避险安全区;加强对已建港航设施的现状调查、复核和分析,采取针对性的加固措施等。管理措施包括设立沿海港口风暴潮预警预报系统;编制风暴潮应急预案;加强港航设施的维护等。



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