首页> 中文期刊>煤炭科学技术 >煤矿供电系统越级跳闸研究




煤矿供电系统越级跳闸中由于电压波动、电气干扰、保护和开关性能差等原因造成的突发越级跳闸的比例远高于短路过流造成的越级跳闸,仅从短路保护一个方面是不能全面解决越级跳闸的,因此,提出解决越级跳闸须从技术、设备、环境、管理等多个方面采取针对性的措施.此供电系统越级跳闸的解决方案在西山煤电集团、义煤集团等进行试验和现场应用证明,其可以对全矿井供电系统实现防止越级跳闸保护,并解决了由于各种原因引起的越级跳闸问题,实现了供电系统的全面监控.%In the bypassing trip of the mine power supply system, the percentage of the sudden occurred bypassing trips due to the voltage wave, electric disturbances, protection, poor switch performances and other causes would be higher than the bypassing trips occurred by the short circuit overcurrent. The bypassing trip could not be fully solved only from the short circuit protection. Therefore the paper proposed that the solution of the bypassing trip should be based on the measures made from the technology, equipment, environment, management and other aspects. The solution of the bypassing trip of the mine power supply system has been applied to the trials in the Xishan Coal and Electric Power Group, Yima Coal Group and others. The site applications showed that the solution could prevent the bypassing trip protection of the mine power supply system, could solve the bypassing problem occurred by the different causes and could have a full monitoring and control of the mine power supply system.



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