首页> 中文期刊> 《煤炭科学技术》 >高瓦斯易自燃厚煤层大采高综采工艺试验研究




In order to solve technical problems of low recovery rate and serious goaf spontaneous combustion in Jiaoping Mining Area,focusing on technical links such as reasonable cutting height of fully-mechanized working face,mining equipment selection and matching,auxiliary transportation,ventilation and goaf spontaneous combustion prevention, this paper made a comprehensive analysis on feasibility of fully-mechanized mining in No. 3-2 coal seam.The industrial test of trial working face showed that the ZY10500/27/58 hydraulic support could meet the roof supporting requirements, and the MG750/1860-GWD miner had a failure rate lower than 10%. The recovery rate reached to 93. 8% and advancing velocity amounted to 119 m per month,both of which had been greatly improved than top coal caving technology.The total width of heat dissipation and oxidized zone was 95 m.With neither C2H2、C2H4 found in bundle tube monitoring system,nor spontaneous combustion in goaf,the security situation of working face realized fundamental improvement.%为了解决铜川焦坪矿区易自燃厚煤层综放开采顶煤回采率低、采空区遗煤自然发火严重等难题,从大采高综采工作面割煤高度、装备配套选型、辅助运输、通风防灭火等技术方面,对3-2煤层采用大采高综采工艺进行了可行性论证。工业性试验结果表明:选用的ZY10500/27/58液压支架能够满足该工作面顶板支护要求,MG750/1860-GWD采煤机故障率低于10%,工作面采出率达到93.8%,平均推进速度119 m/月,工作面推进速度及回采率较综放开采工艺均有大幅度提高。同时,采空区散热带与氧化带最大宽度之和为95 m,束管采样气体中没有出现C2 H2、C2 H4气体,采空区未发生自燃,工作面安全生产形势有了根本性的好转。



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