首页> 中文期刊> 《煤田地质与勘探》 >ZDY4300LF(A)型分体式履带钻机的设计及应用




针对我国煤矿深部高应力巷道、松软突出煤层中的煤巷等小断面巷道,以及皮带运输巷中钻机需频繁让道、在掘进巷道中钻机需绕前施工等通过空间狭小的复杂钻孔施工条件,设计一款新型井下钻机。新型钻机采用分体履带式结构,宽度窄、井下机动性强;采用紧凑型多变幅组合式机架,使钻机具有在煤巷中施工水平多排钻孔、在岩巷中施工全断面仰俯角度钻孔的能力。工业性试验表明,新型钻机井下机动灵活、工艺适应性好、工人劳动强度低,在复杂钻孔施工条件下具有良好的应用效果。%Aiming at to the complex operation conditions in China’s deep coal mines, such as roadway with high stress, roadway with small cross section in soft and outburst-prone seam, frequent move of drilling rig in belt con-veyor roadway and excavation roadway, narrow space, a new type of underground drilling rig was designed. The drilling rig adopts split and crawler structure, has small width, high mobility in underground coal mines, uses compact combined frame with multi variation amplitude, can drill at all‒round pitching angle multi- rows of hori-zontal holes in the coal roadway. The industrial test showed that the new type drilling rig has good flexibility , good technological adaptability and low worker’s labor intensity, good application effect in complex drilling conditions.



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