首页> 中文期刊> 《煤田地质与勘探》 >TEM一维反演技术在老窑水勘查中的应用




The transient electromagnetic method is widely applied to the coal mine hydrogeological exploration and other fields because of being sensitive to low resistivity body,convenient operation and so on,but applied little goal water exploration made.In this paper,the transient electromagnetic method over the years in the coal mine hydrogeological exploration has got exploration experience,through in-depth study of OCCAM inversion technique,application of the inversion method of the detection data,in a coal mine in Yanchi County,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region successfully detected the gob water position and the distribution range,which was verified by the later drilling,exploration results provide a powerful basis and basic data for the construction of the drainage system and comprehensive water prevention and control system.Note:use the instantaneous electromagnetic method to detect gob water,select effective inversion method,can achieve better prospecting effect in shallow,medium depth region.%近年来,瞬变电磁法已成为煤矿水文地质勘查方面首选的物探手段,但受勘探精度所限,在以巷采方式为主的老窑积水勘查中应用较少.利用瞬变电磁法多年来所取得的探测经验,通过对OCCAM反演技术进行深入研究,应用该反演方法对探测资料进行解释,在宁夏盐池某煤矿成功探测了老窑积水的位置及分布范围,并得到了后期钻探验证,勘查成果为矿井防水系统的设立和综合防治水体系的构建提供有力的依据和基础资料.采用瞬变电磁法探测以巷采方式为主的老窑积水,选取有效的反演方法予以解释,可以在浅、中埋深地区取得较好的勘探效果.



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