首页> 中文期刊>中国煤炭地质 >三峡库区秭归县头道河Ⅱ号滑坡特征及稳定性评价




针对三峡库区秭归县头道河Ⅱ号滑坡现状条件下的明显变形迹象,对该滑坡进行了综合的分析和研究,并详细介绍了该滑坡的地质背景及滑坡特征.采用剩余推力法,对滑坡体在各种不同工况下的稳定性作了分析,并对滑坡体在三峡水库蓄水以后的稳定性作了合理评价.结果表明,滑坡体在目前状态下基本稳定,三峡水库蓄水以后,将对滑坡体稳定性产生较大影响,极有可能导致滑坡体失稳,据此结合工程实际提出了治理高程175m以上滑体和土体为主,同时布置抗滑桩等的防治措施及建议.%In allusion to the deformation evidences of the Toudaohe landslide II, Zigui County, the Three Gorges reservoir area status quo, carried out comprehensive analysis and study, and introduced its geological setting and features. Using residual thrust method, analyzed landslide mass stability under different operating modes, and assessed its stability after reservoir impounding with reason. The result demonstrated that: under the present condition the landslide mass is basically stable, after impounding, will impact the stability relatively serious, and stand a good chance to cause landslide mass unstable. For reason given above, combined with project practice, put forward controlling measures and suggestions of mainly to put in order of sliding and soil masses above the 175m elevation, and lay out counter-sliding piles at the same time.



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