首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >贵州某煤矿环境综合治理方案研究




Based on coalmine geological, hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions study, combined with coalmine produc-tion situation, considered that the main environment geological problems existing have land occupation and destruction, ground fissure, solid waste discharge etc., and predicted their extent of harm. The result has shown, vegetation deterioration in assessment area is light, no obvious land desertification (stony desertification) phenomenon, occupied land mostly dry land with slight soil erosion, thus easy to father and reclaim;great possibility of geological hazard;under rainstorm or fluviation, deserted soil and sludge (gangue) may cause de-bris flow or other geological hazard. After comprehensively evaluation of mine environment, divided the study area into three categories:seriously impacted area, medium impacted area and slightly impacted area;illustrated geological hazard characteristics of each area. According to geological environment status quo, put forward a series of tangible comprehensive treatment plans of entironment recov-ery, catch-drain and water drain building, sludge (gangue) processing etc. The study has guiding significance to mine environment com-prehensive treatment in the area, and provides certain reference function in similar mine environment comprehensive treatment.%在研究矿区地质、水文地质及工程地质条件的基础上,结合矿井的开采情况,分析认为矿区存在的环境地质问题主要是土地占用和破坏,地裂缝,固体废弃物的排放等,并对其危害程度进行了预测。结果表明,评估区植被破坏较少,无明显土地荒漠化(石漠化)现象,占用土地大多为旱地,有轻微水土流失,易于治理和恢复;区内地质灾害危害的可能性大;固体弃土、弃渣(矸石)在暴雨或流水作用下,可能发生泥石流等地质灾害。对矿山环境进行了综合评估,将研究区分为三个大区:影响严重区、影响较严重区、影响较轻区,并分别对各大区的地质灾害特征进行了分析说明。根据地质环境现状提出了生态环境恢复、修建截排水沟、废渣(矸石)的处理等一系列切实综合治理方案。此研究对矿山环境综合治理具有指导性,并对类似矿山环境综合治理能起到一定的借鉴作用。



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