首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >舒兰煤田水曲柳勘查区煤质评价




The Shuiquliu exploration area is situated in the Shulan coalfield;its main coal-bearing strata belong to Shulan Formation, Paleogene System. Based on area’s exploration data, expounded strata coal-bearing property;discussed proximate and ultimate ana-lyzed results;considered that the coal rank in the area is lignite and long flame coal. Coal in the area has high volatile matter content and low coal rank, hydrogen content relatively high, thus good for liquefaction. The raw coal dry basis calorific value is 12.80~25.00MJ/kg, belongs to low calorific value coal, slightly clinkering, can be used as power coal. Raw coal cleanliness grade III, belongs to better clean coal, cleanliness of floats after preparation is grade II, belongs to good clean coal.%水曲柳勘查区位于舒兰煤田,主要含煤地层为古近系舒兰组。根据勘查区地质成果,论述了地层的含煤性,并对工业分析和元素分析的结果进行了分析讨论。认为该勘查区煤类为褐煤和长焰煤,煤的挥发分产率高,煤级低,氢含量相对较高,是很好的液化用煤;该区原煤干燥基发热量为12.80~25.00MJ/kg,属于低热值煤,煤的结渣性轻微,也可用做动力用煤;原煤洁净等级为三级,属于较好洁净煤,洗选后的浮煤洁净等级为二级,属于好洁净煤。



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