首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >利用瞬变电磁法测定井下水源井位置




为解决石壕煤矿区供水难题,克服地面勘探效果欠佳的问题,决定采用井下瞬变电磁勘探进行水源井定位。通过分析该矿的水文地质资料,发现在硖石逆断层附近奥灰岩裂隙相对发育,有利于地下水径流及形成富水区,且南大巷底板存在局部少量渗水现象。为此对14采区南大巷进行了井下瞬变电磁勘探,并发现了一处低阻异常区。解释该异常区为受构造影响的奥灰溶裂隙发育形成的富水区,有供水意义。在低阻区凿打2眼水井,涌水量分别为200m3/h、120 m3/h,两井涌水情况与勘探成果基本吻合。%To settle the hard nut of water supply in the Shihao coalmine, overcome the poor effect of surface prospecting, the under-ground TEM water well positioning has been decided. Through the coalmine hydrogeological data analysis has found relatively well de-veloped Ordovician limestone fissures near the Xiashi reversed fault, thus in favor of groundwater runoff and formation of water-rich zone, moreover, in south main roadway floor exists little seepage locally. For this reason, underground TEM prospecting has been car-ried out in No.14 winning district south main roadway, and a conductive abnormal area found. The abnormal area is interpreted as a wa-ter-rich zone formed by structural impacted Ordovician limestone karst fissure development with water supply consequence. Two water wells have been drilled in the conductive area with outflow rates of 200m3/h and 120m3/h respectively, thus basically tally with pros-pecting results.



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