首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >煤田数字测井国外施工及仪器常见故障的处理




More and more logging personnel have participated in energy exploration projects abroad, since constrained by many complicated factors such as language and natural environments, transportation condition, equipment performance and geologic conditions, thus a lot of inconvenience exited in coalfield digital logging operation. In addition, because of restricted parts supply, difficulties in instrument failures reconditioning increased. Thus technical personnel participated in digital logging should under the preconditions to acquaint geographical environment, climate condition, transportation, communication and folk custom etc. of host country and working area, preparing all the corresponding material, fittings and tools ready. Based on logging service experience summarization, bring forward troubleshoot methods should be familiar with and grasped. This paper introduces common failures with examples such as no display on boot, measurement not normal, faulty insulation, bad contact, open circuit fault, magnification maladjustment, sampling interval incorrect etc. as well as logging trace characteristics, and provides immediate processing methods.%测井人员参与国外能源勘探项目越来越多,受国外语言环境、自然环境、运输条件、设备性能及地质条件等复杂因素的制约,国外煤田数字测井施工存在诸多不便,同时受煤田数字测井仪器配件的限制,也增加了检修测井仪器故障的难度.因此参与国外数字测井的技术人员应在充分了解项目所在国家及工作区的地理环境、气候条件、交通、通讯、民俗等情况的前提下,备齐相应的材料、配件及工具.在总结测井工作经验的基础上,提出了测井工作中应熟悉掌握的故障排解方法,以实例介绍了常见故障如开机无显示、测量不正常、绝缘不好、接触不好、电路开路故障、放大倍数不匹配、采样间隔不正确等故障现象与测井曲线特征,并给出了快速处理故障的方法.



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