首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >黔西南地瓜二井田构造特征分析




基于黔西南地瓜二井田野外地质填图、测井及钻孔等地质资料,结合构造地质研究方法,系统分析了井田的构造特征及控煤规律.结果表明:地瓜二井田总体为一平缓单斜构造形态,并伴有次一级褶曲与断层,受区域构造的联合、叠加作用,以13号勘查线为界,形成了西部以东西向为主的褶曲构造和东部以北东向为主的断层构造格局;褶曲多为断层牵引构造或半地堑构造,断层具多期活动性的张扭性断层;褶曲构造含煤地层保存较为完整,煤层在倾向上呈波状起伏状,部分断层对井田先期开采地段煤系的切割,给煤矿后期生产会带来不利影响.%Based on field geological mapping, well logging, borehole geological data from the Digua No.2 minefield, southwestern Gui?zhou, combined with structural geology study, systematically analyzed minefield structural features and coal controlling pattern. The re?sult has shown that the minefield is a gentle monocline structural form as a whole with secondary folds and faults. Impact from tectonic conjunction and superposition, taking the No.13 exploration line as a boundary, formed a structural pattern of western part mainly EW folds and eastern part mainly NE faults. Folds are mostly fault tractive or half-graben structures;faults are mostly tenso-shearing faults with multiple staged activities. Coal-bearing strata in folds are completely preserved, coal seams undulating along dip;some faults have cut coal measures in initial mining sector thus will bring unfavorable effects on coalmine post production.



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