首页> 中文期刊> 《临床医学工程》 >条索状纱布卷用于人造内瘘压迫止血的效果分析




Objective To investigate the hemostatic methods and influencing factors of artificial blood vessel arteriovenous fistula (AVF). Methods 25 patients implemented regular hemodialysis by artificial blood vessel AVF were selected and given funicular gauze roll for compression hemostasia (4 times). The patients' age, service life of fistula, platelet count, four coagulation indexes and hemoglobin data were recorded, the systolic and diastolic pressure of patients after dialysis were measured, and the time of compression hemostasia, incidence of complications and influencing factors were evaluated. Results Funicular gauze roll reduced the pressing time and fistula complications, improved the success rate (84.0%) of compression hemostasia. The success rate of compression hemostasia had correlations with the service life of fistula, patients' systolic pressure and diastolic pressure after dialysis. Conclusions Funicular gauze roll has high success rate in application of the compression hemostasia of artificial blood vessel, with high clinical value, which is worthy of promotion.%目的:探讨人造血管动静脉内瘘压迫止血方法以及影响因素。方法选取运用人工血管动静脉内瘘(AVF)进行常规血透的25例患者,每例患者运用条索状纱布卷压迫止血4次。记录患者的年龄、内瘘使用年限、血小板计数、凝血四项、血红蛋白数据等一般资料,测量透析结束后患者的收缩压和舒张压,观察患者的按压止血时间,评估患者压迫止血效果、并发症发生情况以及影响人造内瘘压迫止血的相关因素。结果条索状纱布卷减少了按压时间,提高了压迫止血的成功率(84.0%),降低了内瘘并发症。压迫止血的成功率与患者内瘘使用年限和透析后患者的收缩压、舒张压有关。结论条索状纱布卷应用于人造血管压迫止血有很高的成功率,具有很高的临床价值,值得推广。



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