首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆医学》 >重庆市某养老机构老人入住前幸福度与相关因素调查




目的:调查老人入住机构前的幸福度及影响因素,为制订个性化照护计划提供参考。方法采用一般情况调查表及纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表(MUNSH)、日常生活能力量表(ADL )、孤独感量表(UCLA)和抑郁量表(CES‐D)对162名老人进行调查。结果不同性别、原职业、文化程度、收入状况的老人比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),71岁以上各年龄组明显高于60~70岁年龄组(P<0.05),在婚组高于丧偶及离异组(P<0.05);幸福度与生活自理能力呈正相关,正常组及功能下降组显著高于明显障碍组(P<0.05);幸福度与孤独感呈负相关,正常组明显高于有孤独感组(P<0.05);幸福度随抑郁得分增高而逐渐降低,抑郁组、可能抑郁组及临界组与正常组比较显著降低(P<0.05)。结论老人的幸福度受多种因素影响,养老机构应针对老人存在的身心健康问题,提供个性化的照护服务。%Objective To investigate elder′s subjective well‐being(SWB) before they move into nursing home ,so as to pro‐vide reference for personalized care plan .Methods Basic information scale ,Memorial University of Newfound land Scale of Happi‐ness(MUNSH) ,Activities of Daily Living (ADL) ,UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA) ,and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depres‐sion Scale(CES‐D) were used to investigate 162 aged people .Results There was no significant difference in gender ,career ,educa‐tion background and pension(P> 0 .05) .In 71 and above age group ,the SWB was higher than in the 60 - 70 age group(P< 0 .05) and in marriage group ,it was higher than the divorced group and widowed group (P< 0 .05) .SWB was positively related to self‐care ability ,in completely normal group and decreased function group were also statistically higher than what in obvious function obsta ‐cle group(P< 0 .05) .The score of SWB was negatively correlated with loneliness and depression scores .In normal group ,it was higher than loneliness group(P< 0 .05) .As the depression score increased ,the score of SWB gradually decreased .Compared with the normal group ,SWB in depression group ,maybe depression group and critical group decreased markedly (P< 0 .05) .Conclusion Elders′ SWB is influenced by many factors .Besides providing life care ,more attention should pay to the mental health of old people , giving them personalized care .



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