首页> 中文期刊>医疗卫生装备 >医用多功能流量计的研制




Objective To fulfill the precise control of the liquid flow by a multifunctional medical flowmeter. Methods The flowmeter had a separated structure, and was composed of a liquid pipeline unit and a flow control unit. The flow control unit apprehended a velocity of liquid level changes in the sterile pipeline by ultrasonic sensing technique, and regulated fluid speed by a SCM-controlled electromagnetic valve. Results The requirements for sterile environment were fulfilled by the sterile liquid pipeline, and the flow control unit realized precision control of flow rate and achieved the expected effect. Conclusion The flowmeter has simple structure, low cost, convenient operation and use, can greatly reduce the workload of the nursing staff and the possible health risks, and thus is worthy promoting practically.%目的:为了满足临床工作对液体流量的精确控制,研制一种医用多功能流量计.方法:该仪器采用分离结构,由液体管路单元与流量控制单元2个部分组成.流量控制单元通过超声传感技术感受无菌液体管路中液面升降的速度,并通过微处理器控制电磁阀精确调控液体流速.结果:无菌液体管路的设计保证了临床无菌环境的需求,流量控制单元可精确控制液体流出速度及结束时间,达到了预期效果.结论:该医用多功能流量计结构简单、制作成本较低、便于操作及使用,大大减少了护理人员的工作量,降低了可能出现的医疗风险,可以推广应用.



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