首页> 中文期刊>医疗卫生装备 >高原高寒地区卫生装备的技术保障问题及对策探讨




目的:探讨高原高寒地区卫生装备的技术保障问题及对策,以提高部队的技术保障水平.方法:结合高原驻训期间列装卫生装备的使用现状,从标准、人员、培训及配件供应等方面分析该地区保障问题的成因并给出对策.结果:从卫生装备的可靠性、软实力技术保障以及零配件供应链3个方面提出提升高原高寒地区卫生装备技术保障的对策.结论:装备技术标准、人员配备和技术水平、零配件供应链是影响高原高寒地区卫生装备保障效能的重要因素,应将其有机结合形成科学的综合保障系统,从而实现卫生装备在高原高寒地区的高效保障.%Objective To improve technical support of military medical equipment in clod alpine regions. Methods The present situation of the medical equipment applied during encamping training in cold alpine regions was taken into considerations, and the causes for the problems in technical support were analyzed from the aspects of standard, personnel, training and component supply, then some countermeasures were put forward accordingly. Results The countermeasures were brought out from the aspects of medical equipment reliability, technical support and components supply chain. Conclusion The equipment technology standard, personnel allocation and technical level as well as components supply chain are of great significance for the support efficacy of medical equipment in alpine regions, which have to be combined to realize efficient medical support.



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