首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >“西山一径三百寺,唯有碧云称纤秾”——北京碧云寺园林环境的创造




中国佛教东汉末年由印度传入,现寺庙之多,居于世界首位,佛教名寺的园林环境得益于山水环境,是我国传统文化的瑰宝.基于风水学理论和“神权崇拜,万象归一”的哲学观,通过实地考察、测绘、古籍查询、访谈等途径,从选址、山水、建筑、植物、意境方面,探析了北京碧云寺园林环境的构建特色及其艺术特征,悟出其在中国寺庙遗产景观中精妙绝伦的艺术特征,一如陶允嘉在《纪游》中所云:“西山一径三百寺,唯有碧云称纤”.%Chinese Buddhism was introduced from India in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.The number of existing temples built ranks 1st in the world.The landscape & environment of famous temples in Buddhism usually benefits from the environment of mountains and water,while it is surely one treasure of traditional Chinese culture.Based on the Fengshui theory and philosophical views of "worship of the gods-universal unitary",and by methods of field investigation,surveying and mapping,ancient books research and interviews,this paper explores the architectural characteristics and artistic characteristics of Biyun Temple's landscape & environment from the aspects of site selection,landscape,architecture,plants and artistic conception,and offers an insight into its exquisite artistic features,which was initially pointed out in the poem ofTao Yunjia's Travel Journal "Among Numerous of Temples on the Xishan Mountain,only Biyun possesses the real elegence".



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