首页> 中文期刊> 《热带作物学报》 >海南东寨港国家级自然保护区及其周边陆域植物资源与植被调查研究




There are diverse vegetation types in the study area of Hainan Dongzhaigang National Natural Reserve and its surrounding area.In addition to the typical Chinese mangrove forest growing in the Reserve,various types of natural,semi-natural forest,and artificial vegetation are distributed in the rural villages adjacent to the reserve,forming a complex flora structure.There are nine hundred and forty types of flora found in this area,including twenty-eight types of mangrove.As far as non-mangrove vegetation,there is one endangered plant species,three threatened plant species,and seven endangered species in Hainan,three of which are wild plants.The abundant flora resource in Dongzhaigang shows a high ornamental value and great protection value of plant ecological diversity.As a result,conducting a thorough ecological research on the terrestrial flora within the Dongzhaigang National Natural Reserve and its adjacent area at a larger scale,as well as comprehensively illustrating the local flora resources is important and beneficial to strengthening the collaborative protection of the local vegetation,so that the local mangrove ecosystemsecurity can be protected and improved.%东寨港国家级自然保护区及其周边陆域植被类型复杂多样,除在保护区内分布有中国典型的红树林群落外,在保护区外分布有种类多样、结构复杂的农村周边自然、半自然森林植被及多样化的人工植被.该区域现有植物种类940种,其中红树林植物28种;在非红树林植物中,有国家Ⅰ级保护植物1种,国家Ⅱ级保护植物3种,省级保护植物7种,其中3个省级保护植物为野生分布.该地区的植被类型和植物种类资源具有极高的观赏价值和植物生态多样性保护价值,从更大的尺度上开展东寨港国家级自然保护区及其周边区域陆域植物生态调查研究,更全面地展示该地区的植物资源,对加强东寨港国家级自然保护区与过渡地带陆域植物生态的协同保护,从而更好地保护红树林生态系统的安全具有重要意义.



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